-Osmeh ne boli,
on donosi sreću,
on pruža ruku
svakome ko ume da voli...
Smile doesen't hurts
it brings luck,
gives a hand
anyone who knows how to love...
-Njemu je teško odoleti,
još teže bez njega živeti.
Smile is hard to resist,
even harder to live without it.
-Zato učino ovu planetu lepšim mestom za život,
i biće više srećnih i nasmejanih.
So do the planet more beautiful place to live,
and there will be more happy and smiling.
on donosi sreću,
on pruža ruku
svakome ko ume da voli...
Smile doesen't hurts
it brings luck,
gives a hand
anyone who knows how to love...
-Njemu je teško odoleti,
još teže bez njega živeti.
Smile is hard to resist,
even harder to live without it.
-Zato učino ovu planetu lepšim mestom za život,
i biće više srećnih i nasmejanih.
So do the planet more beautiful place to live,
and there will be more happy and smiling.
http://jungletribe.com |
Lepo napisano :)
ОдговориИзбришиXoxo tekst je super, a slika je tako umiljata :D!