Kao što sam vam obećala u prednohnom postu, podeliću sa vama fotografije moje nove ogrlice. Sasatavila sam je od ostataka pokidanih narukvica,lančića i minđuša. Prosto mi je bilo žao da sve te pokidane stvari bacim , jer sam ih dobila od meni jako dragih ljudi ,a vratiti ih u pređašnje stanje nije bilo moguće jer su se mnogi delići pougubili.Onda je rešenje bilo više nego prosto.Napravi ću jedan komad nakita kako bih uvek mogla da imam uspomenu i da je nosim.Malo, po malo i uspela sam da odredim pravilan raspored delića (posle 2-3 neuspela pokušaja).Meni se mnogo dopada i danas ću je ukombinovati uz belu košulju i prugasti bež-braon-crno-narandžasti sako,krem pantalone i crne cipele.Slike kako je sve to izgledalo deliću u nekom drugom postu. Do tada puno pozdrava i užuvajte i ako nas kiša proganja i dalje.
As I promised in the last post, I will share with you pictures of my new necklace.I made it from the remnants of broken bracelets, necklaces and earrings. I was just sorry that all these things put out broken, because I got them from my very nice people, and return them to the status quo wasn't possible because I lost many pieces.After that the solution was more than just simple. I will make a one piece of jewelry so that Icould always have the memories that I carry. Little, by little and I was able to determinethe proper distribution of particles (after 2-3 failed attempts). I like it a lot and today I will be combined with a white shirt and striped blue-white-red-orange jacket, cream trousers and black shoes. images of that everything seemed to split in another post. Until then, best regards and enjoy even if rain haunts us still.